Concentric Circle Turntable

• Concentric circle of size 5m (Centre Circle) , 7m (Middle Ring) and 9m (Outer ring) diameter each (16’4” , 22’9” and 29’6” respectively)
• Height : 35cm (13.5 inches)
• Capacity : Centre Turn Table – 2500 Kgs and 1000 Kgs for the second and third ring
• Rotate Speed : 2 minutes per full rotation (variable speed)
• Each Ring / Circle can rotate independently in each direction
• Each ring can be Operated / programmed independently in terms of rotating directions and speed
• Silent Motor brakes and Noise is less than 50db
• The top cover can be modular and the flooring can be changed basis the specs of the stage
• Can be used as a Single center turn table unit or together as three or two concentric circle
• Gap between each rings is less than 1.5 cm (Half an inch)
• Modular design and can be completely dismantled and easy to transport and assemble
• Variable speed control system available for all 3 circle / rings
• Can be controlled by DMX Signal, which means it can be timecoded and programmed to run through any Media Server like Watchout, etc.

Contact us for your rental requirements.